Vendor: Microsoft

Tehnologije: DevOps

Polaznici će tijekom treninga naučiti planirati za DevOps, upravljati izvornim kodom, koristiti Git sistem, izraditi strategiju dependency menadžmenta, upravljati tajnama, implementirati kontinuiranu integraciju (engl. continuous integration), implementirati strategiju izgradnje kontejnera, izgraditi strategiju izdavanja, postaviti poslovne procese u izdavanju, implementirati obrazac razvoja i optimizirati mehanizme za povratne informacije.

Osnovne informacije

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  1. Planirati transformaciju sa zajedničkim ciljevima i vremenskim okvirom.
  2. Odabrati projekt i identificirati metrike projekta i KPI-aja.
  3. Formirati tim i agilnu organizacijsku strukturu.
  4. Oblikovati strategiju integracije alata i strategiju upravljanja licencama (npr. Azure DevOps i GitHub korisnici).
  5. Oblikovati strategiju zaend-to-end traceability.
  6. Oblikovati strategiju autentifikacije i upravljanja pristupom.
  7. Oblikovati strategiju integracije lokalnih (eng. on-premises) icloud
  8. Opisati prednosti korištenja Source Controla.
  9. Opisati Azure Repos i GitHub.
  10. Migrirati s TFVCa na Git.
  11. Upravljati kvalitetom koda uključujući tehnički dug SonarClouda i drugih alatnih rješenja.
  12. Izgraditi organizacijsko znanje o kvaliteti koda.
  13. Objasniti kako strukturirati Git.
  14. Opisati Git grananje radnih tokova (eng. branching workflows).
  15. Objasniti ulogu Azure Pipelines i njezinih komponenta.
  16. Konfigurirati agenta za korištenje u Azure Pipelinesu.
  17. Objasniti zašto je važna kontinuirana integracija.
  18. Implementirati kontinuiranu integraciju koristeći Azure Pipelines.
  19. Definirati Site Reliability Engineering.
  20. Oblikovati procese za mjerenje zadovoljstva krajnjih korisnika i analizu povratnih informacija korisnika.
  21. Oblikovati procese za automatizaciju analitike aplikacija.
  22. Upravljati upozorenjima i smanjiti besmislena upozorenja.
  23. Provesti besprijekorne retrospektive i stvoriti kulturu pravednosti.
  24. Implementirati usklađenost i sigurnost u infrastrukturu aplikacije.
  25. Opisati potencijalne izazove s integracijom softvera otvorenog koda.
  26. Provjeriti pakete softvera otvorenog koda za sigurnost i usklađenost licenci.
  27. Upravljati organizacijskom sigurnošću i pravilima usklađenosti.
IT profesionalcima koje zanima dizajniranje i implementiranje DevOps procesa.
  • Poznavanje koncepata računalstva u oblaku uključujući razumijevanje PaaS, SaaS i IaaS implementacije.
  • Razumijevnje Azure administracije i Azure razvoja (engl. development) s dokazanom stručnošću u barem jednom od ovih područja (op.a. AZ-104 ili AZ-204).
  • Znanje upravljanja izvornim kodom, agilnog razvoja softvera i temeljnih principa razvoja softvera.
  • Poželjno iskustvo rada u organizaciji koja proizvodi i isporučuje softver.

U cilju pripreme za kvalitetno praćenje treninga svim polaznicima seminara AZ-400 osigurali smo besplatno pohađanje treninga AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals na Algebrinoj digitalnoj platformi za samoučenje (LMS) uz video nastavni materijal na hrvatskom jeziku.


Početnicima u svijetu Azure administracije prethodno predlažemo pohađanje treninga AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator.


Početnicima u svijetu Azure administracije prethodno predlažemo pohađanje treninga AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure.

Moduli koji će se izvoditi

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand what DevOps is and the steps to accomplish it
  • Identify teams to implement the process
  • Plan for the transformation with shared goals and timelines
  • Plan and define timelines for goals
  • Understand different projects and systems to guide the journey
  • Select a project to start the DevOps transformation
  • Identify groups to minimize initial resistance
  • Identify project metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
  • Understand agile practices and principles of agile development
  • Create a team and agile organizational structure

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand Git repositories
  • Implement mono repo or multiple repos
  • Explain how to structure Git Repos
  • Implement a change log
  • Describe Git branching workflows
  • Implement feature branches
  • Implement GitFlow
  • Fork a repo
  • Leverage pull requests for collaboration and code reviews
  • Give feedback using pull requests

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe Azure Pipelines
  • Explain the role of Azure Pipelines and its components
  • Decide Pipeline automation responsibility
  • Understand Azure Pipeline key terms
  • Choose between Microsoft-hosted and self-hosted agents
  • Install and configure Azure pipelines Agents
  • Configure agent pools
  • Make the agents and pools secure
  • Use and estimate parallel jobs

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain continuous delivery (CD)
  • Implement continuous delivery in your development cycle
  • Understand releases and deployment
  • Identify project opportunities to apply CD
  • Explain things to consider when designing your release strategy
  • Define the components of a release pipeline and use artifact sources
  • Create a release approval plan
  • Implement release gates
  • Differentiate between a release and a deployment

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain the terminology used in Azure DevOps and other Release Management Tooling
  • Describe what a Build and Release task is, what it can do, and some available deployment tasks
  • Implement release jobs
  • Differentiate between multi-agent and multi-configuration release job
  • Provision and configure target environment
  • Deploy to an environment securely using a service connection
  • Configure functional test automation and run availability tests
  • Setup test infrastructure
  • Use and manage task and variable groups

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand how to deploy your environment
  • Plan your environment configuration
  • Choose between imperative versus declarative configuration
  • Explain idempotent configuration
  • Create Azure resources using ARM templates
  • Understand ARM templates and template components
  • Manage dependencies and secrets in templates
  • Organize and modularize templates
  • Create Azure resources using Azure CLI

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Identify SQL injection attack
  • Understand DevSecOps
  • Implement pipeline security
  • Understand threat modeling
  • Implement open-source software
  • Explain corporate concerns for open-source components
  • Describe open-source licenses
  • Understand the license implications and ratings
  • Work with Static and Dynamic Analyzers
  • Configure Microsoft Defender for Cloud

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Define dependency management strategy
  • Identify dependencies
  • Describe elements and componentization of a dependency management
  • Scan your codebase for dependencies
  • Implement package management
  • Manage package feed
  • Consume and create packages
  • Publish packages
  • Identify artifact repositories
  • Migrate and integrate artifact repositories

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Design a container strategy
  • Work with Docker Containers
  • Create an Azure Container Registry
  • Explain Docker microservices and containers
  • Implement multi-stage builds with Docker
  • Understand build patterns
  • Manage multiple projects and solutions
  • Add Docker support to an existing application
  • Implement Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Deploy and connect to an AKS cluster

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Implement tools to track feedback
  • Plan for continuous monitoring
  • Implement Application Insights
  • Use Kusto Query Language (KQL)
  • Implement routing for mobile applications
  • Configure App Center Diagnostics
  • Configure alerts
  • Create a bug tracker
  • Configure Azure Dashboards
  • Work with View Designer in Azure Monitor

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