Vendor: Microsoft
Tehnologije: Cloud Computing / Cyber Security
Kroz trening polaznici će usvojiti vještine i znanja o sigurnosti za identitet i pristup, zaštiti platforme, podacima i aplikacijama te o sigurnosnim operacija.
Osnovne informacije
- Kako zaštiti korisnike od ugrožavanja korisničkih računa te kako upravljati pristupima.
- Kako osigurati pristup resursima organizacije (zaštita korisničkih zaporki, multifaktorska provjera identiteta).
- Kako omogućiti Azure Identity Protection.
- Kako konfigurirati AD federacijske servise te kako postaviti i koristiti Azure AD Connect.
- Upoznati Secure Score, Exchange Online zaštitu, Azure Advanced Threat Protectionom, Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence, napredu zaštitu od prijetnji korištenjem Windows Defendera.
- Kako osigurati mobilne uređaje i aplikacija.
- Kako konfigurirati Microsoft 365 u cilju postizanja sigurnog okruženje.
- Razumjeti najbolje sigurnosne prakse i sigurnosne zahtjeve industrije kao što su dubinska obrana, najmanje privilegirani pristup, role-based kontrolu pristupa, multifaktorsku autentifikaciju, podijeljenu odgovornost i model nultog povjerenja.
- Poznavati sigurnosne protokole kao što su Virtual Private Networks (VPN), Internet Security Protocol (IPSec), Secure Socket Layer (SSL), metode šifriranja diska i podataka.
- Iskustvo u implementaciji Azure radnih opterećenja (eng.workloads).
- Iskustvo s Windows i Linux operativnim sustavima i skriptnim jezicima.
Polaznicima treninga AZ-500, u cilju usvajanja potrebnog predznanja, predlažemo besplatno pohađanje edukacije na našem LMS sustavu kako slijedi:
- AZ-104: Manage identities and governance in Azure
- AZ-104: Implement and manage storage in Azure
- AZ-104: Configure and manage virtual networks for Azure administrators
- AZ-104: Monitor and back up Azure resources
- AZ-104: Deploy and manage Azure compute resources
Certifikacijski ispit:
- Exam AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies
- Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate
Moduli koji će se izvoditi
Explore how to securely configure and administer your Azure Active Directory instance. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Configure Azure AD and Azure AD Domain Services for security
- Create users and groups that enable secure usage of your tenant
- Use MFA to protect user’s identities
- Configure passwordless security options
Explore how to deploy and configure Azure AD Connect to create a hybrid identity solution for your company. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Deploy Azure AD Connect
- Pick and configure that best authentication option for your security needs
- Configure password writeback
Protect identities in Azure AD using Conditional Access, MFA, access reviews, and other capabilities. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Deploy and configure Identity Protection
- Configure MFA for users, groups, and applications
- Create Conditional Access policies to ensure your security
- Create and follow an access review process
Ensure that your privileged identities have extra protection and are accessed only with the least amount of access needed to do the job. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe Zero Trust and how it impacts security
- Configure and deploy roles using Privileged Identity Management (PIM)
- Evaluate the usefulness of each PIM setting as it relates to your security goals
Learn to use RBAC and Azure Policy to limit access to your Azure solutions, and determine which method is right for your security goals. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Explain the shared responsibility model and how it impacts your security configuration
- Create Azure policies to protect your solutions
- Configure and deploy access to services using RBAC
Prevent attacks before they get to your Azure solutions. Use the concepts of defense in depth and zero trust to secure Azure perimeter. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Define defense in depth
- Protect your environment from denial-of-service attacks
- Secure your solutions using firewalls and VPNs
- Explore your end-to-end perimeter security configuration based on your security posture
Use Azure network capabilities to secure your network and applications from external and internal attacks. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Deploy and configure network security groups to protect your Azure solutions
- Configure and lockdown service endpoints and private links
- Secure your applications with Application Gateway, Web App Firewall, and Front Door
- Configure ExpressRoute to help protect your network traffic
Learn to lock down the devices, virtual machines, and other components that run your applications in Azure. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Configure and deploy Endpoint Protection
- Deploy a privileged access strategy for devices and privileged workstations
- Secure your virtual machines and access to them
- Deploy Windows Defender
- Practice layered security by reviewing and implementing Security Center and Security Benchmarks
Explore how to secure your applications running within containers and how to securely connect to them. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Define the available security tools for containers in Azure
- Configure security settings for containers and Kubernetes services
- Lock down network, storage, and identity resources connected to your containers
- Deploy RBAC to control access to containers
Protect your keys, certificates, and secrets in Azure Key Vault. Learn to configure key vault for the most secure deployment. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Define what a key vault is and how it protects certificates and secrets
- Deploy and configure Azure Key Vault
- Secure access and administration of your key vault
- Store keys and secrets in your key vault
- Explore key security considers like key rotation and backup / recovery
Register your company applications then use Azure security features to configure and monitor secure access to the application. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Register an application in Azure using app registration
- Select and configure which Azure AD users can access each application
- Configure and deploy web app certificates
- StartAdd
Ensure your data is stored, transferred, and accessed in a secure way using Azure storage and file security features. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Define data sovereignty and how that is achieved in Azure
- Configure Azure Storage access in a secure and managed way
- Encrypt your data while it is at rest and in transit
- Apply rules for data retention
Configure and lock down your SQL database on Azure to protect your corporate data while it’s stored. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Configure which users and applications have access to your SQL databases
- Block access to your servers using firewalls
- Discover, classify, and audit the use of your data
- Encrypt and protect your data while is it stored in the database
Use Azure Monitor, Log Analytics, and other Azure tools to monitor the secure operation of your Azure solutions. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Configure and monitor Azure Monitor
- Define metrics and logs you want to track for your Azure applications
- Connect data sources to and configure Log Analytics
- Create and monitor alerts associated with your solutions security
Use Azure Security Center, Azure Defender, and Secure Score to track and improve your security posture in Azure. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Define the most common types of cyber-attacks
- Configure Azure Security Center based on your security posture
- Review Secure Score and raise it
- Lock down your solutions using Security Center and Defender
- Enable Just-in-Time access and other security features
Use Azure Sentinel to discover, track, and respond to security breaches within your Azure environment. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Explain what Azure Sentinel is and how it is used
- Deploy Azure Sentinel
- Connect data to Azure Sentinel, like Azure Logs, Azure AD, and others
- Track incidents using workbooks, playbooks, and hunting techniques
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