Vendor: Microsoft

Tehnologije: Cloud Computing / Networking

Na ovom treninigu mrežni inženjeri (eng. Network Engineers) usvojiti će vještine i znanja dizajnirana, implementiranja i održavanja Azure mrežih rješenja. Također naučiti će kako dizajnirati i implementirati sigurnu, pouzdanu mrežnu infrastrukuru u Azureu i kako uspostaviti hibridnu povezanost, usmjeravanje (engl. routing), privatni pristup uslugama Azurea i nadzor u Azureu.

Osnovne informacije

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  1. Dizajnirati, implementirati i upravljati hibridnim mrežnim vezama.
  2. Dizajnirati i implementirati osnovnu mrežnu infrastrukturu Azurea.
  3. Dizajnirati i implementirati usmjeravanje i balansiranje opterećenja (routing and load balancing) u Azureu.
  4. Osigurati i nadgledati mreže.
  5. Dizajnirati i implementirati privatni pristup Azure servisima.
Mrežnim inženjerima (eng.N etwork Engineers) koji se žele specijalizirati za Azure mrežna rješenja. Azure mrežni inženjer dizajnira i implementira osnovnu mrežnu infrastrukturu Azure, hibridne mrežne veze, load balancing mrežnog prometa, mrežno usmjeravanje (engl. routing), privatni pristup Azure uslugama, mrežnu sigurnost i nadzor. Azure mrežni inženjer upravljat će mrežnim rješenjima za optimalne performanse, otpornost, opseg i sigurnost.
  • Iskustvo umrežavanja u poslovnoj okolini, iskustvo u postavljanju lokalne ili cloud infrastrukture i mrežne sigurnosti.
  • Razumijevanje lokalnih tehnologija virtualizacije, uključujući VMs, virtualno umrežavanje i virtualne hard diskove.
  • Razumijevanje mrežnih konfiguracija, uključujući TCP/IP, DNS, VPN, vatrozida i enkripcije.
  • Razumijevanje softverski definiranih mreža (engl. software defined networking).
  • Razumijevanje hibridnih metoda umrežavanja kao npr. VPN.
  • Razumijevanje otpornosti i oporavka od katastrofe (engl. resilience and disaster recovery), uključujući visoku dostupnost (engl. high availability) i operacije vraćanja (engl. restore).

Polaznicima treninga AZ-700, u cilju usvajanja potrebnog predznanja, predlažemo besplatno pohađanje edukacije na našem LMS sustavu kako slijedi:

  • Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Describe cloud concepts
  • Azure Fundamentals: Describe Azure architecture and services  
  • Azure Fundamentals: Describe Azure management and governance
  • AZ-104: Configure and manage virtual networks for Azure administrators

Certifikacijski ispit:

  • Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions


  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Network Engineer Associate

Moduli koji će se izvoditi

In this module you will learn how to design and implement fundamental Azure Networking resources such as virtual networks, public and private IPs, DNS, virtual network peering, routing, and Azure Virtual NAT. After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Implement virtual networks
  • Configure public IP services
  • Configure private and public DNS zones
  • Design and implement cross-VNET connectivity
  • Implement virtual network routing
  • Design and implement an Azure Virtual Network NAT

In this module you will learn how to design and implement hybrid networking solutions such as Site-to-Site VPN connections, Point-to-Site VPN connections, Azure Virtual WAN and Virtual WAN hubs. After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Design and implement a site-to-site VPN connection
  • Design and implement a point-to-site VPN connection
  • Design and implement Azure Virtual WAN Resources

In this module you will learn how to design and implement Azure ExpressRoute, ExpressRoute Global Reach, ExpressRoute FastPath and ExpressRoute Peering options. After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Design and implement Expressroute
  • Design and implement Expressroute Direct
  • Design and implement Expressroute FastPath

In this module you will learn how to design and implement load balancing solutions for non-HTTP(S) traffic in Azure with Azure Load balancer and Traffic Manager. After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Design and implement Azure Laod Balancers
  • Design and implement Azure Traffic Manager

In this module you will learn how to design and implement load balancing solutions for HTTP(S) traffic in Azure with Azure Application gateway and Azure Front Door. After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Design and implement Azure Application Gateway
  • Implement Azure Front Door

In this module you will learn to design and imponent network security solutions such as Azure DDoS, Azure Firewalls, Network Security Groups, and Web Application Firewall. After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Configure and monitor an Azure DDoS protection plan
  • implement and manage Azure Firewall
  • Implement network security groups
  • Implement a web application firewall (WAF) on Azure Front Door

In this module you will learn to design and implement private access to Azure Services with Azure Private Link, and virtual network service endpoints. After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain virtual network service endpoints
  • Design and configure private endpoints
  • Define the difference between Private Link Service and private endpoints
  • Integrate Private Link with DNS
  • Design and configure access to service endpoints
  • Integrate your App Service with Azure virtual networks

In this module you will learn to design and implement network monitoring solutions such as Azure Monitor and Network watcher. After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Configure network health alerts and logging by using Azure Monitor
  • Create and configure a Connection Monitor instance
  • Configure and use Traffic Analytics
  • Configure NSG flow logs
  • Enable and configure diagnostic logging
  • Configure Azure Network Watcher

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