Vendor: Microsoft
Tehnologije: Windows 11
Ovim treningom usvojiti ćete vještine koje uključuju razumijevanje važnih značajki Windows 11 sustava, kako se te značajke koriste kroz Active Directory te kako rješavati probleme informacijskih sustava temeljenih na ovim tehnologijama.
Osnovne informacije
- Opisati procese uključene u planiranje i korištenje metodologije rješavanja problema za Windows 11.
- Rješavati probleme s pokretanjem i uslugama operativnog sustava na računalu sa sustavom Windows 11.
- Izvesti oporavak sustava (engl. system recovery).
- Riješiti pitanja i probleme vezana uz hardverske uređaje i upravljačke programe uređaja.
- Administrirati uređaje sa sustavom Windows 11.
- Rješavati probleme povezane s mrežnom vezom.
- Konfigurirati uređaje sa sustavom Windows 11 pomoću Group Policy.
- Konfigurirati i riješiti probleme s korisničkim postavkama.
- Konfigurirati i riješiti probleme s pristupom resursima.
- Implementirati daljinsko povezivanje.
- Implementirati i rješavati probleme s aplikacija.
- Održavati uređaje sa sustavom Windows 11.
- Osnove umrežavanja, uključujući poznavanje protokola i servisa Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP) i Domain Name System (DNS).
- Osnovno poznavanje Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).
- Razumijevanje komponenti i koncepta Public Key infrastrukture (PKI).
- Osnovno poznavanje OS Windows Server.
- Osnovno poznavanje Microsoft Windows Clienta, na primjer, iskustvo s Windows 10 ili 11.
Moduli koji će se izvoditi
This module describes the new Windows 11 operating system features and devices, with a particular focus on what’s changed since Windows 10. The modules also describes the process of developing and applying a Windows 11 troubleshooting methodology. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe the Windows 11 operating system and its features
- Troubleshoot installation and deployment of Windows 11
- Describe typical troubleshooting procedures
- Use common Windows 11 troubleshooting tools
This module describes how to use the various remote administration tools in Windows 11 to resolve issues. It describes the features and functionalities of tools such as Windows Admin Center, Remote Desktop, Quick Assist, and Windows PowerShell. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Select a suitable remote administration tool
- Implement Remote Desktop connections
- Use Windows PowerShell Remoting
- Describe Windows provisioning
This module describes potential problems that can cause startup issues in Windows 11. It also provides an overview of the Windows startup process, including the Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) and Boot Configuration Data (BCD). It also describes how to resolve issues related to operating system services and how to recover a computer. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe the Windows 11 recovery environment
- Configure the registry
- Troubleshoot startup settings
- Recover BitLocker encrypted drives
- Troubleshoot operating system services
- Recover a computer
- Resolve common application compatibility issues
This module explores how to troubleshoot issues related to hardware devices and device drivers. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe procedures for troubleshooting hardware
- Describe available group policy settings for device management
- Troubleshoot device driver failures
This module describes how to identify network settings and troubleshoot issues related to network connectivity in wired and wireless networks, IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity, and name resolution. This module also provides an overview of Remote Access and describes how to troubleshoot issues with VPN connectivity. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Configure Windows 11 network settings
- Troubleshoot network connectivity issues
- Troubleshoot name resolution issues
- Describe remote access options
- Configure and troubleshoot VPNs
This module provides an overview of Group Policy application and describes how to resolve issues in client configuration GPO application. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe Group Policy
- Resolve GPO application issues on client devices
This module describes various security settings in Windows 11, including Credential Guard, Exploit Guard, and Application Guard. Windows Hello authentication is also covered, in addition to common sign-in issues, how to detect them, and how to troubleshoot these issues. The module also explains ways to secure the startup environment, including Secure Boot and related technologies. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe Windows startup security
- Implement Windows Defender Firewall
- Describe Windows 11 security settings
- Configure Windows Hello
- Troubleshoot Windows 11 sign-in
This module provides guidance on configuring and troubleshooting user state synchronization in an on-premises network. This includes managing roaming profiles, UE-V, and folder redirection. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe user state
- Configure UE-V
- Configure Folder Redirection
This module describes how to troubleshoot issues with file permissions and printer access. It also describes how to configure and manage file recovery in Windows 11. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Troubleshoot file permissions issues
- Troubleshoot printing
- Describe file synchronization
- Perform file recovery
This module explains how to troubleshoot common desktop application operations issues. It also describes the Universal Windows apps and the Microsoft Store. The module also explains how to resolve issues related to Application Control and AppLocker policies. Finally, the module covers how to enable and configure Kiosk mode. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Troubleshoot desktop app deployment
- Manage Universal Windows apps
- Describe Application Control
- Describe AppLocker
- Troubleshoot application compatibility issues
- Configure a kiosk device
This module describes how to identify performance issues in Windows 11. It also explains how to manage and troubleshoot Windows updates. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe performance monitoring
- Describe Windows Update
- Troubleshoot Windows updates
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