Vendor: Microsoft
Tehnologije: Microsoft 365 / Office 365
Tijekom treninga polaznici će naučiti kako planirati konfiguraciju Office 365 tenanta uključujući integraciju s postojećim korisničkim identitetima, planirati, konfigurirati i upravljati temeljnim servisima te izvještavati o ključnim pokazateljima. Ovaj trening i pripadajući mu labovi napisani su za Office 365 sa sustavom Windows 11, a vještine koje se podučavaju također su kompatibilne i primjenjive na sustavu Windows 10.
Osnovne informacije
- Planirati i konfigurirati Office 365.
- Upravljati korisnicima i grupama u Officeu 365.
- Implementirati i konfigurirati alate i aplikacije za Office 365.
- Planirati i upravljati Exchange Onlineom, SharePoint Onlineom, Microsoft Teamsom i drugim Office 365 uslugama.
- Implementirati sigurnost i usklađenost u Officeu 365.
- Nadgledati, izvješćivati i rješavati probleme u Officeu 365.
Moduli koji će se izvoditi
In this module, you will learn about setting up an Office 365 tenant for a trial or for a full deployment including the key technical decision points in both pilot and deployment phases. This module introduces the core services of Office 365 and how to configure DNS settings to add custom/vanity domains for use with all Office 365 services. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe the features and benefits of Office 365
- Provision a New Tenant
- Plan a pilot deployment of Office 365
- Add a custom domain to an Office 365 tenant
After setting up your Office 365 tenant, the next stage is to give access to users. In this module, you will learn how to create, manage and license users in Office 365, via PowerShell and using synchronization with on-premises directory services. This module also introduces the different types of groups available in Office 365 and how they are used. You will then learn how to manage administrative access using Role Based Access Control (RBAC). After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Manage User Accounts and Licences in the Cloud
- Configure Office 365 Password Policies
- Manage Security Groups and Microsoft 365 Groups in the Cloud
- Manage Users and Groups via PowerShell
- Configure Administrative Access
- Plan and Prepare for Directory Synchronization
- Implement Directory Synchronization using Azure Active Directory Connect
- Manage User and Groups in Office 365 using Directory Synchronization
This module looks at the tools and client applications you can use to connect to Office 365. You will learn about the options for configuring and deploying the Apps for Microsoft 365 (previously known as Microsoft Office/Office 365 Pro Plus) across web, Windows, Mac OSX and mobile platforms. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Plan for the Deployment of Tools and Applications for Office 365
- Troubleshoot Connectivity for Tools and Applications for Office 365
- Create Custom Configuration for Apps for Microsoft 365
- Manage Installation Methods For Apps for Microsoft 365
In this module, you will learn to create and manage mailboxes including shared group and resource mailboxes as well as distribution lists. You will then learn about Exchange Online permissions which offer more granular control of Exchange Online Administration than the Office 365 Administration roles. This module also considers Mail Flow rules and email protection including anti-spam and anti-malware. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe Exchange Online
- Manage Exchange Online Recipients
- Configure Delegated Administration in Exchange Online
- Configure Email Protection
This module introduces SharePoint Online and its role in providing other Office 365 services such as Microsoft Teams and OneDrive. In this module, you will learn how to plan and configure SharePoint Online including controlling External Sharing. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe SharePoint Online
- Manage SharePoint Online Settings
- Create SharePoint Online Site Collections
- Plan and Configure External User Sharing
This module explains how to plan and configure Microsoft Teams for communication and collaboration within your organization and how to control external communications. You will learn to use Microsoft Teams policies to configure Teams user settings. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Plan and Configure Microsoft Teams Organization Wide Settings
- Manage and Assign Microsoft Teams Policies
- Create a Microsoft Teams Team
In this module, you will learn about the other Office 365 services including their purpose, and an introduction to the use and administration of each service. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe Office 365 Services (for example Yammer, Steam and Viva)
- Plan and Configure Office 365 Services (for example Planner and Bookings)
- Configure Power Platform Data Policies
This module introduces the Security and Compliance features in Office 365. Whilst Microsoft 365 plans includes extended security and compliance features, this module will focus on those products available in the core plans without the extended licensing. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe the Security and Compliance Features in Office 365
- Review Licence Requirements for Security and Compliance Features in Microsoft 365
- Configure Information Protection in Office 365
- Configure Information Governance in Office 365
This module looks at techniques for troubleshooting issues with Office 365 focusing on the core services. You will also learn about the reporting and monitoring tools and features available. After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Monitor Office 365 Service Health
- Troubleshoot Office 365 Connectivity and Service Issues
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