Vendor: Microsoft
Tehnologije: Windows 10 / Windows 11
Osnovne informacije
- Opisati značajke Configuration Managera i Intunea i objasniti kako te značajke koristiti za upravljanje računalima i mobilnim uređajima u korporativnoj okolini.
- Analizirati podatke upotrebom upita i izvještaja.
- Pripremiti i upravljati infrastrukturom koristeći Intune.
- Postaviti i upravljati Configuration Manager klijentom.
- Konfigurirati, upravljati i nadzirati hardverski i softverski inventar te upotrebljavati alatom Asset Intelligence.
- Identificirati i konfigurirati najbolju metodu za distribuciju i upravljanje sadržajem za deplojment.
- Distribuirati, rasporediti i nadzirati aplikacije za upravljane korisnike i sustave.
- Održavati softverske nadogradnje za osobna računala uz Configuration Manager.
- Implementirati Endpoint Protection za upravljana osobna računala.
- Konfigurirati strategiju raspodjele operativnog sustava koristeći Configuration Manager.
- Upravljati i održavati Configuration Manager.
Trening je namijenjen krajnjim korisnicima i vlasnicima/upraviteljima web mjesta koji tek kreću raditi u SharePoint 2019 okolini.
Poznavanje i rad na računalu.
Moduli koji će se izvoditi
- Module 1: Managing computers and mobile devices in the enterprise
- This module describes the features of Configuration Manager that you can use to perform complex management tasks, including the following tasks: Hardware and software inventory, Application management, Operating system deployment, Settings management, Software update management, Remote client troubleshooting, and Protection from malware.
- Lessons in this module:
- Overview of systems management by using enterprise management solutions
- Overview of the Configuration Manager architecture
- Overview of the Configuration Manager administrative tools
- Tools for monitoring and troubleshooting a Configuration Manager site
- Module 2
- After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Module 3:
- After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Module 4:
- After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Module 5:
- After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Module 6:
- After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Module 7:
- After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Module 8:
- After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Module 9:
- After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Module 10:
- After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Module 11:
- After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Module 12:
- After completing this module, students will be able to:
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Trajanje: 40 sati
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