Vendor: EC Council

Tehnologije: Cyber Security

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Edukacija se temelji na globalnom zlatno standardu u području kibernetičke sigurnosti – Certified Ethical Hacker (C│EH) dobavljača EC-Council. Predavanja i praktične vježbe provode Algebrini stručnjaci sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom u primjeni navedenih tehnologija u praksi te iskustvom u prenošenju znanja.

Etičko hakiranje je široka praksa koja pokriva razne tehnologije. Sustavnom primjenom metodologija koje se podučavaju u ovom programu, etički hakeri mogu procijeniti gotovo svaku aplikaciju ili infrastrukturu koja im je postavljena, identificirati potencijalne ranjivosti i dati preporuke kako sanirati te ranjivosti.

Certificirani etički haker je stručnjak koji je fokusiran na napad na računalne sustave i dobivanje pristupa mrežama, aplikacijama, bazama podataka i drugim kritičnim podacima na zaštićenim sustavima. CEH razumije strategije napada, korištenje kreativnih vektora napada i oponaša vještine i kreativnost zlonamjernih hakera. Za razliku od zlonamjernih hakera i aktera, certificirani etički hakeri rade uz dopuštenje vlasnika sustava i poduzimaju sve mjere opreza kako bi osigurali da rezultati ostanu povjerljivi. Bug bounty istraživači su stručni etički hakeri koji koriste svoje vještine napada kako bi otkrili ranjivosti u sustavima. Sama funkcija etičkog hakiranja uključuje metodičnu praksu identificiranja, evaluacije, testiranja i izvješćivanja o ranjivostima u organizaciji.

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Moduli koji će se izvoditi

  1. Module 01: Introduction to Ethical Hacking
    • Cover the fundamentals of key issues in the information security world, including the basics of ethical hacking, information security controls, relevant laws, and standard procedures.
  2. Module 02: Foot Printing and Reconnaissance
    • Learn how to use the latest techniques and tools to perform foot printing and reconnaissance, a critical pre-attack phase of the ethical hacking process.
  3. Module 03: Scanning Networks
    • Learn different network scanning techniques and countermeasures.
  4. Module 04: Enumeration
    • Learn various enumeration techniques, such as Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Network File Sharing (NFS) exploits, and associated countermeasures.
  5. Module 05: Vulnerability Analysis
    • Learn how to identify security loopholes in a target organization’s network, communication infrastructure, and end systems. Different types of vulnerability assessment and vulnerability assessment tools.
  6. Module 06: System Hacking
    • Learn about the various system hacking methodologies—including steganography, steganalysis attacks, and covering tracks—used to discover system and network vulnerabilities.
  7. Module 07: Malware Threats
    • Learn different types of malwares (Trojan, virus, worms, etc.), APT and fileless malware, malware analysis procedure, and malware countermeasures.
  8. Module 08: Sniffing
    • Learn about packet-sniffing techniques and how to use them to discover network vulnerabilities, as well as countermeasures to defend against sniffing attacks.
  9. Module 09: Social Engineering
    • Learn social engineering concepts and techniques, including how to identify theft attempts, audit human-level vulnerabilities, and suggest social engineering countermeasures.
  10. Module 10: Denial-of-Service
    • Learn about different Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed DoS (DDoS) attack techniques, as well as the tools used to audit a target and devise DoS and DDoS countermeasures and protections.
  11. Module 11: Session Hijacking
    • Understand the various session hijacking techniques used to discover network-level session management, authentication, authorization, and cryptographic weaknesses and associated countermeasures.
  12. Module 12: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
    • Get introduced to firewall, intrusion detection system (IDS), and honeypot evasion techniques; the tools used to audit a network perimeter for weaknesses; and countermeasures.
  13. Module 13: Hacking Web Servers
    • Learn about web server attacks, including a comprehensive attack methodology used to audit vulnerabilities in web server infrastructures and countermeasures.
  14. Module 14: Hacking Web Applications
    • Learn about web application attacks, including a comprehensive web application hacking methodology used to audit vulnerabilities in web applications and countermeasures.
  15. Module 15: SQL Injection
    • Learn about SQL injection attacks, evasion techniques, and SQL injection countermeasures.
  16. Module 16: Hacking Wireless Networks
    • Understand different types of wireless technologies, including encryption, threats, hacking methodologies, hacking tools, Wi-Fi sedcurity tools, and countermeasures.
  17. Module 17: Hacking Mobile Platforms
    • Learn Mobile platform attack vector, android and iOS hacking, mobile device management, mobile security guidelines, and security tools.
  18. Module 18: IoT and OT Hacking
    • Learn different types of IoT and OT attacks, hacking methodology, hacking tools, and countermeasures.
  19. Module 19: Cloud Computing
    • Learn different cloud computing concepts, such as container technologies and server less computing, various cloud computing threats, attacks, hacking methodology, and cloud security techniques and tools.
  20. Module 20: Cryptography
    • Learn about encryption algorithms, cryptography tools, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), email encryption, disk encryption, cryptography attacks, and cryptanalysis tools.

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