Vendor: Python

Tehnologije: Python

Python is useful for developing custom software tools, applications, web services, and cloud applications. In this course, you’ll build upon your basic Python skills, learning more advanced topics such as object-oriented programming patterns, development of graphical user interfaces, data management, threading, unit testing, and creating and installing packages and executable applications.

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Moduli koji će se izvoditi

  • Using Object-Oriented Python
    • Create and Use Classes in an Application
    • Use Magic Methods
    • Incorporate Class Factories
  • Creating a GUI
    • Design a GUI
    • Create and Arrange a GUI Layout
    • Interact with User Events
  • Using Databases
    • Basics of Data Management
    • Use SQLite Databases
    • Manipulate SQL Data
  • Network Programming
    • Basics of Network Programming
    • Create a Client/Server Program
  • Managing Multiple Processes with Threading
    • Create a Threaded Application
    • Manage Thread Resources
  • Implementing Unit Testing
    • Test-Driven Development
    • Write and Run a Unit Test Case
    • Create a Test Suite
  • Packaging an Application for Distribution
    • Create a Package Structure
    • Generate the Package Distribution Files
    • Generate a Windows Executable

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