Vendor: RedHat

Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Operating a Production Kubernetes Cluster (DO280) prepares OpenShift Cluster Administrators to perform daily administration tasks on clusters that host applications provided by internal teams and external vendors, enable self-service for cluster users with different roles, and deploy applications that require special permissions such as such as CI/CD tooling, performance monitoring, and security scanners. DO280 focuses on configuring multi-tenancy and security features of OpenShift. DO280 also teaches how to manage OpenShift add-ons based on operators.

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Moduli koji će se izvoditi

  1. Declarative Resource Management
    • Deploy and update applications from resource manifests that are parameterized for different target environments.
  2. Deploy Packaged Applications
    • Deploy and update applications from resource manifests that are packaged for sharing and distribution.
  3. Authentication and Authorization
    • Configure authentication with the HTPasswd identity provider and assign roles to users and groups.
  4. Network Security
    • Protect network traffic between applications inside and outside the cluster.
  5. Expose non-HTTP/SNI Applications
    • Expose applications to external access without using an Ingress controller.
  6. Enable Developer Self-Service
    • Configure clusters for safe self-service by developers from multiple teams and disallow self-service if projects have to be provisioned by the operations staff.
  7. Manage Kubernetes Operators
    • Install and update Operators that are managed by the Operator Lifecycle Manager and by the Cluster Version Operator.
  8. Application Security
    • Run applications that require elevated or special privileges from the host Operating System or Kubernetes.
  9. OpenShift Updates
    • Update an OpenShift cluster and minimize disruption to deployed applications.

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