Vendor: VMware
Tehnologije: Virtualization
Osim toga, polaznike ćemo uvesti u rad različitih mrežnih i sigurnosnih konstrukcija zajedno s nekoliko operativnih alata i alata za rješavanje problema koji pomažu u upravljanju i rješavanju problema s NSX-T Data Centerom. Polaznike ćemo upoznati s različitim vrstama tehničkih problema koje će zatim identificirati, analizirati i riješiti kroz sustavni proces.
Osnovne informacije
- Koristiti izvorne alate dostupne u NSX-T Data Centeru za identificiranje i rješavanje problema vezanih za NSX-T Data Center okolinu.
- Koristiti VMware vRealize Log Insight i VMware vRealize Network Insight za identificiranje i rješavanje problema vezanih za NSX-T Data Center okolinu.
- Objasniti NSX-T Data Center komponente infrastrukture i njihovu međusobnu komunikaciju.
- Identificirati, analizirat i rješavati probleme vezane za NSX-T Data Center okolinu, a to su problemi vezani za upravljanje, kontrola, podatkovni plan, pripremu infrastrukture te logično usmjeravanje i prebacivanje (engl. routing and switching).
- Identificirati, analizirati i rješavati probleme sigurnosti mreže povezanih s NSX-T Data Center Distributed i Gateway vatrozidima.
- Identificirati, analizirati i rješavati probleme povezane s VPN-om i load balancingom.
- Identificirati komponente i tokove paketa uključene u NSX-T Data Center podatkovni promet i rješavati probleme koji se mogu pojaviti u podatkovnom prometu.
Iskusnim sistemskim i mrežnim administratorima te profesionalcima za informacijske mreže i kibernetičku sigurnost.
- Razumijevanje TCP/IP protokola i usluga.
- Poznavanje i radno iskustvo u računalnom umrežavanju uključujući switching and routing
- Poznavanje i radno iskustvo s VMware vSphere i KVM-based okolinom
Prije pohađanja ovog tečaja preporučamo pohađanje treninga VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage i znanje razine nositelja certifikata The VMware Certified Professional – Network Virtualization.
Moduli koji će se izvoditi
- Introductions and course logistics
- Course objectives
- Explain and validate the native troubleshooting tools (dashboards, traceflow, port mirroring) for the NSX-T Data Center environment
- Configure syslog, IPFIX, and log collections for the NSX-T Data Center environment
- Integrate NSX-T Data Center with vRealize Log Insight and vRealize Network Insight
- Validate and review the APIs methods available to configure the NSX-T Data Center environment
- Describe the NSX Management cluster architecture, components, and communication channels
- Identify the workflows involved in configuring the NSX Management cluster
- Validate and troubleshoot the NSX Management cluster formation
- Describe the data plane architecture, components, and communication channels
- Explain and troubleshoot VMware ESXi™ transport node preparation issues
- Explain and troubleshoot KVM transport node preparation issues
- Explain and troubleshoot VMware NSX® Edge™ transport node preparation issues
- Understand the architecture of logical switching
- List the modules and processes involved in configuring logical switching
- Explain the importance of N-VDS and VDS in transport nodes
- Review the architecture and workflows involved in configuring
- Identify and troubleshoot common logical switching issues
- Review the architecture of logical routing and NSX Edge nodes
- Explain the workflows involved in the configuration of Tier-0 and Tier-1 gateways
- Explain the HA modes and logical router placements
- Identify and troubleshoot common logical routing issues
- Review the architecture of the Distributed Firewall
- Explain the workflows involved in configuring the Distributed Firewall
- Review the architecture of the Gateway Firewall
- Explain the workflows involved in configuring the Gateway Firewall
- Identify and troubleshoot common distributed firewall and Gateway Firewall issues
- Review load balancer architecture and components
- Identify and troubleshoot common load balancing issues
- Review of IPsec and L2 VPN architecture and components
- Identify and troubleshoot common IPsec and L2 VPN issues
- Verify and validate the path of the packet on the NSX-T datapath (East-West and North-South)
- Identify and perform packet captures at various points in the datapath
- Use nsxcli to retrieve configurations involved in the NSX-T datapath
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