Vendor: VMware
Tehnologije: Virtualization
Osim toga, ovaj trening objašnjava praćenje aplikacija, certifikate, koncepte kapaciteta i troškova te optimizaciju radnog opterećenja u realnim slučajevima korištenja. Trening također obuhvaća rješavanje problema korištenjem Workbench-a, upozorenja i redefiniranih nadzornih ploča, opisuje kako upravljati usklađenošću i konfiguracijama te obuhvaća nekoliko paketa za upravljanje.
Osnovne informacije
- Nabrojati slučajeve korištenja vRealize Operations-a.
- Identificirati značajke i prednosti vRealize Operations-a.
- Odrediti vRealize Operations klaster koji ispunjava zahtjeve za nadzor.
- Postaviti i konfigurirati vRealize Operations klaster.
- Koristiti značajke sučelja za procjenu i rješavanje operativnih problema.
- Opisati vRealize Operations certifikate.
- Izraditi pravila koja zadovoljavaju operativne potrebe vaše poslovne okoline.
- Prepoznati učinkovite načine za optimizaciju performansi, kapaciteta i troškova u podatkovnim centrima.
- Riješiti i upravljati problemima pomoću Workbench-a, upozorenja i unaprijed definiranih nadzornih ploča.
- Upravljati konfiguracijama.
- Konfigurirati nadzor aplikacije pomoću VMware vRealize Operations Cloud Appliance™.
- Izraditi prilagođene simptome i definicije upozorenja, izvješća i prikaze.
- Izradite različite prilagođene nadzorne ploče pomoću platna za izradu nadzornih ploča.
- Konfigurirati widgete i interakcije widgeta za nadzorne ploče.
- Izraditi super metriku.
- Postaviti korisnike i grupe korisnika za kontrolirani pristup vašoj okolini.
- Proširiti mogućnosti vRealize Operations dodavanjem paketa za upravljanje i konfiguriranjem rješenja.
- Pratiti zdravlje vRealize Operations klastera pomoću nadzornih ploča za samostalno nadziranje.
- Iskusni sistemskim administratora i sistemskim integratorima.
- Konzultantima odgovornim za projektiranje, implementaciju i prilagodbu vRealize Operations-a.
Pohađanje VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage ili minimalno šest mjeseci praktičnog iskustva s vRealize Operations.
Moduli koji će se izvoditi
- Introduction and course logistics
- Course objectives
- List the vRealize Operations use cases
- Access the vRealize Operations User Interface (UI)
- Identify the functions of components in a vRealize Operations node
- Identify the types of nodes and their role in a vRealize Operations cluster
- Outline how high availability is achieved in vRealize Operations
- List the components required to enable Continuous Availability (CA)
- Design and size a vRealize Operations cluster
- Deploy a vRealize Operations node
- Install a vRealize Operations instance
- Describe different vRealize Operations deployment scenarios
- Identify product UI components
- Create and use tags to group objects
- Use a custom group to group objects
- Describe vRealize Operations certificates
- Create policies for various types of workloads
- Explain how policy inheritance works
- Define capacity planning terms
- Explain capacity planning models
- Assess the overall capacity of a data center and identify optimization recommendations
- Run what-if scenarios for adding workloads to a data center
- Discuss the types of cost drivers in vRealize Operations
- Assess the cost of your data center inventory
- Introduction to performance optimization
- Define the business and operational intentions for a data center
- Automate the process of optimizing and balancing workloads in data centers
- Report the results of optimization potential
- Describe the troubleshooting workbench
- Recognize how to troubleshoot problems by monitoring alerts
- Use step-by-step workflows to troubleshoot different vSphere objects
- Assess your environment’s compliance to standards
- View the configurations of vSphere objects in your environment
- Describe native service discovery and application monitoring features
- Configure application monitoring
- Monitor operating systems and applications by using VMware vRealize® Operations Cloud Appliance™
- Create symptom definitions
- Create recommendations, actions, and notifications
- Create alert definitions that monitor resource demand in hosts and VMs
- Build and use custom views in your environment
- Build and use custom views in your environment
- Create custom reports for presenting data about your environment
- Create dashboards that use predefined and custom widgets
- Configure widgets to interact with other widgets and other dashboards
- Configure the Scoreboard widget to use a metric configuration file
- Manage dashboards by grouping dashboards and sharing dashboards with users
- Recognize different types of super metrics
- Create super metrics and associate them with objects
- Enable super metrics in policies
- Recognize how users are authorized to access objects
- Determine privilege priorities when a user has multiple privileges
- Import users and user groups from an LDAP source
- Identify available management packs in the VMware Marketplace™
- Monitor the health of a vRealize Operations cluster
- Generate a support bundle
- View vRealize Operations logs and audit reports
- Perform vRealize Operations cluster management tasks
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